How to plant Perovskia

Perovskia, also known as Russian Sage, are low maintenance, drought tolerant plants which provide a beautiful haze effect in mixed borders or gravel gardens with their airy flower stems. Native to Central Asia, Perovskia also grows extensively across the dry, gravelly soils of the Mediterranean region. It requires a full sun position to flourish, and excellent drainage. Though fully hardy, it will perform best where the soil is warm, south or west facing spot. It is very tolerant to drought when fully established, but it’s best to grow plants on in temporary pots, monitor and water regularly first, so that they can establish a good rootball before planting out. It is a very robust plant that copes well with wind, so is often used in coastal gardens. Its flowers are magnet for pollinators throughout summer.

How to plant

  • Plant Perovskia bare roots in spring between February and May, ideally within a week of delivery.
  • Soak the roots in water for 3-6 hours prior to planting. Pot into temporary 2 litre (or 15-20cm diameter) pots, using a good quality multi-purpose compost.
  • Plant with the roots submerged and with the top of the root system level with the soil surface. Any twiggy stems, shoots or leaves should be left exposed above the soil surface.
  • Grow them on in a sheltered area outside. They can be transplanted into suitable growing positions after 2-4 months or once growth is established and the plants easily come out of the temporary pots with the soil held together in a root ball.
  • When planting into the garden, choose a position in a border in full sun and free-draining soil. They are also happy in gravel areas in stony or gritty soil.
  • Keep space clear around the young plant and ensure it is not becoming overcrowded by neighbouring plants.
  • This perennial is fully hardy to around -15C and does not require winter protection in most areas.
  • Water-in after planting and keep hydrated when in growth, particularly during the first year. Once settled in, Perovskia prefer conditions to be fairly dry and tolerates drought well.


  • New growth appears from twiggy stems in late spring/early summer. Perovskia do not always flower in their first year while they settle in, but grey-green leaves should emerge. Usually from the second year onwards, flowers appear during summer.
  • Perovskia dies back in autumn but twiggy stems will remain upright. You should cut back the stems down to around 15-20cm above soil level anytime during autumn or winter. The following spring, new leaves will emerge from the past year’s cut stems and from the root system.
  • Perovskia is a bushy perennial and branches out over time. Each year, the plant will grow larger and produce more flowering stems.

Planting instructions