How to plant Buddleja
Buddleja are deciduous shrubs grown for their clusters of small but fragrant, nectar-rich flowers during summer. These summer blooms are a favourite food source for butterflies, hence the common name ‘butterfly bush’. Compact varieties are a low-maintenance option for patio containers as well as borders. This valuable wildlife enhancing plant can be grown in all situations in a sunny position and tolerates most soil types.
How to plant
- Plant Buddleja bare roots in spring between February and May, ideally within a week of delivery.
- Soak the roots in water for 3-6 hours prior to planting. Prepare a hole large enough to accommodate the roots system. The roots should be fully submerged after planting. Any top growth, including stems and branches should remain above the soil surface after planting. Ensure the hole is the correct depth so that the soil is level with the point at which the roots meet the stem.
- Improve the initial growing conditions by digging in some organic matter like compost or leaf mould to the planting hole, this soft texture will help the roots settle in and grow.
- When the shrub is in place, backfill the hole and firm down. Water thoroughly to settle the soil around the roots and hydrate the plant.
- They can also be potted into temporary pots with multipurpose compost and grown on prior to planting out, this produces more reliable results if the soil in your garden is poor. If potting up first, grow them on in a sheltered spot outside. They can be transplanted to suitable growing positions after 2-4 months or once growth is established and the plant easily comes out of the temporary pot with the soil held intact in a root ball.
- When planting into the garden, choose a position in full sun or very light shade. Buddleja does best in a well-drained soil.
- This shrub is deciduous and will lose its leaves in autumn. It is fully hardy and does not require winter protection.
- Water when planted and regularly for the first year while the plant establishes. Once established, watering should only be necessary during prolonged dry spells.
- Minimal aftercare is required besides pruning to maintain shape and vigour, and the removal of any dead stems. Buddleja should be pruned in autumn or winter. You can prune each branch back by around a third, or by half if needed.
- When pruning, cut just above a point where there are buds forming.
- An annual mulch around the base of the shrub will help to maintain soil moisture and boost nutrient content in the soil.
- If growing in a pot, add a slow-release fertiliser annually to maintain health, or use a liquid feed throughout the April to September while the plant in in active growth.
- Deadhead any faded flowers as they appear, this often encourages a second flush of flowers.