How to plant bare root Peonies


What better way to welcome summer than with a fabulous flurry of petal-packed peony blooms? Flowering from late spring into summer every year, reliable peonies provide a pop of colour to bridge the two seasons. What’s more, they require very little maintenance in return. Itoh and herbaceous peonies can be planted and cared for in the same way. These beautiful fully hardy perennials will become a long-term addition to the garden, over time establishing into strong, bushy plants which will thrive in your borders for years!

A few planting basics

You can plant peonies in autumn or spring, but always in the same season that they are sent to you so that they are fresh when planted. In the first year they remain fairly compact but over time these plants can fill a space up to 1.2m. Peonies are happiest in a border in sun or partial shade, choose a suitable spot and dig over the soil before planting to ensure it is loose and soft for planting. You can also grow peonies in large patio containers in a soil-based compost.

Planting instructions

  • Plant your peony roots outside in autumn or spring (when they’re supplied) as soon as possible on arrival.
  • Peonies are fully hardy and do not require frost protection.
  • Grow in borders or 12-14” containers in full sun or partial shade.
  • Plant the root around 5-10cm deep with any visible buds facing upwards.
  • Space your peony roots around 60-90cm apart.
  • Water-in after planting and while they’re in growth in the first year.

Plant calendar

  • Planting
  • Flowering

Gracy says: Peonies

"While the stunning and often fragrant peony flowers, which open in late spring or early summer, are the main attraction, the plant itself makes an attractive hedge or bush, even when the flowering is done."

Planting instructions