How to plant Amaryllis belladonna

Amaryllis belladonna are half hardy and can tolerate temperatures down to around -5C. It’s recommended to protect them from frost during harsh winters, and to start them off in sheltered conditions under cover at first.
— Between September and late November, or March and April (the same season as the bulbs are supplied), pot up in a cool greenhouse or grow on in a part of the garden which is sheltered from harsh frosts. You can grow them on in temporary pots and plant them out into borders in late spring.
— Alternatively, you can plant Amaryllis belladonna directly outside in a sunny, sheltered position with a covering of dry mulch like cut fern leaves to protect from frosts.
— Plant bulbs shallowly with the neck exposed.
— Choose a sunny, sheltered position in a border with free-draining, preferably sandy soil.
— They do grow quite tall so it is best to choose an eventual position for them in borders or a sturdy patio pot.
— If planting in patio containers, use a free-draining loam-based compost.
— Space the bulbs around 15-30cm apart.
— Water-in after planting and keep hydrated when in growth in the first season. Allow the soil to become almost dry before watering again.
— Amaryllis belladonna flower in late summer.
— Cut back flower stems to 3cm above ground level in autumn and cover the bulb with dry foliage, such as cut fern leaves, for winter. If in pots, they can be moved into a cool, bright but frost-free position.
Plant calendar
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
- Planting
- Flowering