How to plant Urginea bulbs

Urginea are half hardy, tolerating temperatures down to -5C provoding they are in a sandy, free-drianing soil. They will require frost protection over winter. They should be planted between September and late-November for best results, but can also be plated into December. If you’re not ready to plant them as soon as you receive them, you can store them in a cool, dry place for a few weeks but ideally no later than early December. They won’t store until the following year.
— In areas with very mild winters, Urginea bulbs can be planted directly outside in borders with free-draining soil or patio containers. It is safest to start them off in pots and grow them on in a cool greenhouse or coldframe over winter.
— If you have a heavy soil or soil with a high clay content, it is a good idea to incorporate plenty of compost and some grit or sand prior to planting to aid drainage.
— If planting in containers, we recommend using peat-free multipurpose or soil with added sand.
— Bulbs which have been grown on in pots over winter can be planted outside from around late April.
— When planting out, choose a sheltered position in full sun with well-drained soil.
— Plant with the neck of the bulb exposed.
— Space the bulbs around 15-20cm apart from each other if planting in groups, or at a further spacing throughout borders.
— If the soil is very dry, it’s a good idea to water them in after planting to settle them. They will not require any further watering through winter unless it remains very mild and dry throughout autumn and winter. They will only require water in spring if it is warm and the soil is dry.
— Urginea flower in late summer/early autumn.
— After flowering, remove the flowers but allow the leaves and stem to fully die back or turn yellow before removing it, as this is feeding the bulb for next year.
— In mild areas, the bulbs can be covered with a thick mulch or dry cut foliage for winter. In cooler areas, the bulbs should be lifted in autumn and stored in cool, dry and frost-free conditions for winter.
Plant calendar
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
- Planting
- Flowering