
Collection: Aster bare roots (Michaelmas daisy)

The Aster or Symphyotrichum genus is massive, with well over a thousand species and cultivars known to Man. Thankfully, our selection includes some of the very best of the hardy herbaceous perennials. They are more commonly known as Michaelmas daisies, and although there have been name changes over the years, you will most often see them referred to as forms of Aster novi-belgii. In general, perennial asters come in both tall and dwarf cultivars, producing single or double flowerheads in shades of blue, violet, purple and red, as well as white.


Some asters flower in late summer, but many are of great value in the autumn garden, combining well with other late-flowering perennials, such as Helianthus, Anemone and Rudbeckia. Most fertile garden soils are fine for growing asters, but it is helpful if the ground is not allowed to become too dry. Taller Aster varieties may benefit from being supported by twiggy sticks, however many of the modern forms have strength and sturdiness bred into them. Even better for the gardener, Aster novi-belgii cultivars may be divided every three years or so, which will have the benefit of keeping the plants flowering well – and also give the gardener more plants to fill gaps.