Tulip Gavota and Tulip Slawa - a Story to Tell
Did you think that all the best Tulip hybrids were Dutch? A great many of them are, but the mystery and magic of the Tulip has also intrigued master-growers from other countries. Among the products of patient plant breeding from outside the Netherlands, Tulip Gavota is among the most striking. But something exciting happened to it in The Netherlands. Read on for the full story.
Czech it Out!
The names Gavota and Slawa may already have given you a hint: they come from the Czech Republic! But Gavota is the one that comes directly from that country, while Slawa’s story has a twist in the tale. We’ll keep you in suspense a little longer for that! If the idea of Czech Tulips comes as a surprise to you, visit the country in the springtime, and you’ll discover that Tulips are among the Czech Republic’s favourite flowers. Beautiful displays of tulips seem to flaunt their colours from every park and flower bed.
Dutch Grower Discovers New Strain of Gavota
Gavota is an impressive and colourful Tulip by any standards, so the Dutch Tulip growers eagerly adopted it. After all, those burgundy, cream and gold markings are absolutely spectacular. But many years ago, a respected Tulip grower from the Farmer Gracy family discovered an enchanting Tulip surprise.
While he was checking his fields, he spotted something he had never seen before. From between the regal gold-trimmed Gavota’s something special peeped out at him: instead of the burgundy and gold he was expecting to see, one bloom was richest purple fringed with a rich coppery-orange.
A Grower’s Dream Come True Becomes the Work of Many Years
Every grower dreams of discovering an exciting new plant variety. Doing so is usually the work of many years of plant breeding and performance trials. But here, nature seemed to have presented our grower with a gift: a gorgeous new variety that was perfect in every way.
There’s just one problem with gifts such as this – reproducing that very special plant takes time, hard work, and patience. One incredible bulb must become twenty, a hundred, a thousand, and later ten thousand. That doesn’t happen overnight, even with advanced modern plant propagating techniques!
Before the grower can present his wonderful plant variety to the world, a lot of work must be done and a lot of time must be invested. However, you won’t be surprised to find that our Dutch grower was over the moon about his discovery, and would have spent a lifetime to get this exceptional plant into the public eye.
Kissing Cousins are Bosom Buddies, and They Could be Yours
As cousins, Tulip Slawa and Tulip Gavota are very good friends indeed. They make a perfect pairing when blooming side by side. Now, after years of dedication, this combination can be yours. Luckily, you won’t have to spend a lot of time getting them. Farmer Gracy has them both. Click, click, click, and the plants that became a grower’s passion are yours within seconds.
That’s exciting in itself, but when your Tulips come into bloom, your garden will see the high point of the spring season, and indeed, the whole year. You won’t have to point them out to your friends either. Once they’re flaunting their petals in the sunshine, everybody will stop and stare.
Make Waves with Your Incredible Tulips
To get the absolute best out of your garden beauties, you need to let them take centre-stage. Have you ever noticed how professional landscapers create an impactful statement with their mass-plantings? That’s just what you’ll do!
Whether you decide to mix things up or prefer to use one as a central feature and the other as a border, mass-plant your tulips or at least plant them in generous groups that will make a splash.
Container-planting is also a great way to create a movable feast for the eyes. Choose big containers, plant your bulbs densely, and wait for the magic to happen. This is a great option for people with smaller gardens since they can move their containers to more prominent places when in bloom and keep them in a lower-profile spot while they are growing and developing.
Bring the Love Indoors
Since you can barely take your eyes off Gavota and Slawa (a.k.a. Tulip Muvota) when they are in bloom, it’s a good thing that Tulips make such good cut flowers. Be sure to plant enough so that you won’t miss the blooms you bring indoors.
Everybody’s taste is different, but we recommend using tulips on their own in flower arrangements. Alternatively, go for lots of foliage and fine-flowered fillers and give your Gavota and Slawa Tulips pride of place.
Reserve Your Bulbs Now
It’s highly unlikely that you’ll find these two Tulip varieties at your local garden centre. You’d also need to have a good sense of Tulip-timing to remember the best time to shop for and plant them. With Farmer Gracy, you can choose your plant varieties at any season. All deliveries occur at the perfect planting time. Why not book your Gavota and Slawa bulbs right now? Never miss out again!